Botox Your “Resting Bitch Face” Away

rebecca b foo

The Story of Rebecca B. Foo

rebecca b foo

(Botox for Frown Lines – Devon Aoki in her signature RBF. Credits:

“Are you ok?”

“You should smile more.”

“Why so serious?”

Rebecca gets these kinds of remarks all the time. But what people do not understand is that Rebecca is not worried, sad, or angry. It’s her neutral face; even though it looks like a “Resting Bitch Face”.

The Resting Bitch Face (RBF) Condition

While the above story is fictional, RBF is a real condition that affects many of us. So much so that frown-induced Resting Bitch Face has become a social phenomenon. People in their teens, twenties and beyond have developed an almost subconscious reflex to frown.

Just take a look around and you’ll find plenty of examples.

Imagine yourself on the train to work.

You’ll spot people frowning in their sleep, while the others furrow their brows, hunched over mobile phones. And when you eventually get to your workplace, you face colleagues scowling all day.

Genetics and natural aging aside, the daily stresses of modern life also contribute to frown lines and RBF. Higher stress levels in big cities such as fast-paced and uber-efficient Singapore certainly do not help at all.

This constant frowning makes anyone look overly serious and worried at best, and angry and standoffish at worst. Even though you may not even mean it.

So if you do not mean to look angry all the time and want to turn that subconscious frown upside down, Botox in Singapore would be a good and effective treatment for you.

What is Botox For Frown Lines?

It is a simple solution to soften that unwanted furrow.

turn that frown upside down

(Turn that frown upside down with Botox)

It works by limiting the communication of nerve signals in the muscles responsible for the frown. This stops the muscles from “flexing”, hence preventing the formation of the facial expression.

This does not mean the treatment will freeze your facial expressions. If you make a conscious effort to frown, you will still be able to, albeit more difficult than usual.

An experienced doctor, like the ones you can find in most Aesthetic Clinics in Singapore, can administer Botox for frown lines to help prevent subconscious frowns on your face. So no more RBF.

Read more about Botox here.

How Is It Done?

Botox for frown lines is a relatively quick 15-min procedure. Local anesthesia is optional.

After assessing your medical history and goals, the doctor may mark your face with an erasable marker. This serves as a visual guide of injection points.

Most patients require anywhere from 20 to 25 units of Botox for their first treatment. This varies by the individual and brand of botulinum toxin used.

Thereafter, you are free to return daily activities as per usual. However, you will be advised to abstain from alcohol for the rest of the day.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

It only takes one session to complete one treatment. A good doctor will be conservative with the number of Botox units used for patients new to the treatment.

You may then be required to return for a follow-up session a few weeks after for touch-ups if any are required.

The treatment can be repeated once it wears out, typically on the 3rd month or so. This will vary by the individual.

How Soon Will The Results Show?

Because Botox takes time to work on your muscles, you will not see immediate improvements after treatment. Be patient and give it 2 to 3 days at least to see visible results.

How Long Will The Results Last For?

Botox for frown lines is a temporary treatment and typically lasts 3 to 4 months on average. This will vary by the individual.

If you’d like to come down to check out all the other skin tightening treatments in Singapore, schedule an appointment with us and we’ll be more than happy to go through them.

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