All You Need To Know About Hair Transplant in Singapore

Hair transplant Singapore cost


Hair transplant Singapore cost

Disclaimer: Results, recovery, and risks vary by the individual.

The following information for Hair Transplant in Singapore is meant as a guide only.

Get a Fuller-looking Head of Hair with SL Aesthetic Clinic’s FUE Hair Transplant in Singapore

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant is a long-term solution for hair loss conditions such as Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness and Female Pattern Hair Loss).

A person can lose on average, 50-100 strands of hair a day; this is part of the hair renewal process. However, some individuals may suffer from excessive balding at some point of time in their lives due to several factors.

The three main factors that can cause hair loss in healthy individuals include:


Hormones stimulate hair growth and therefore, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on balding in most people. The fluctuations in hormonal levels during pregnancy and childbirth in women can also lead to excessive balding.

Many of these hormonal changes are hereditary, with a proportion of the male population (closer to 70%) predisposed to Male Pattern Baldness. This is due to DHT, a hormone found to be the main culprit.

Male balding medications, therefore, aim to limit the formation of DHT.

Oral medication helps to slow down the process of hair loss by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT. It works by preventing your body from producing DHT

However, many men procrastinate at taking action when a balding condition is discovered. This is when our hair transplant treatment can help.


Factors such as stress, exposure to chemicals or the sun’s UV rays, smoking, alcohol consumption, inadequate sleep, can play a role in triggering or worsening hair loss. This can continue to have an effect even after a hair restoration procedure.

Mechanical Damage

Many people change the appearance of their hair with dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners and permanent waves that can be harsh on the hair and scalp. The use of such hair styling products can also cause balding as some of these products contain strong chemicals which may result in chemical burns on the scalp.

Certain hairstyles including braids, tight ponytails and hair extensions, can cause trauma to hair follicles and result in hair loss.

At SL Aesthetic Clinic, our Hair Transplant treatment helps restore a fuller-looking head of hair!

Hair Transplant in Singapore (FUE) – Solution for Hair Loss in Singapore

SL Aesthetic Clinic’s Hair Transplant via Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method of obtaining follicular units (i.e Hair Transplant) – naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs (also known as grafts), for hair transplantation. In Hair Transplant (FUE) harvesting, individual follicular units are extracted from the hair restoration patient’s donor area/site, ideally one at a time.

hair transplant Singapore
FUE Hair Transplant Technique help to minimise trauma to donor site.

This is done in a random manner, such that hair density in donor sites are not visibly reduced. At SL Aesthetic Clinic Singapore, the hair transplant, be it head hair, eyebrow, or beard transplant, mimics the direction your hair naturally grows. As with any procedure or treatment, results can vary by individual.

Our Hair Transplantation Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is suitable for both males and females. Hair transplant is not limited to the head. In fact, it can include eyebrow transplants and beard transplants as well.


  1. Manual Follicle Graft Extraction. We use a micro-motor punch device to harvest grafts from your donor site for minimised downtime and scarring
  2. Minimised Trauma to the donor site, with decreased wastage of harvested grafts during Hair Transplant procedure
  3. Maximises Resources in Hair Transplant. In the event where follicles in the donor site are insufficient during the assessment, grafts may be obtained from other parts of the body to achieve the desired result
  4. Increased Hair Density. Implanted hairs follow the direction of surrounding native hairs. This eliminates the risk of planning grafts too close to existing hair, giving you a natural-looking result
  5. Maximised Comfort during Hair Transplant. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and within the clinic premises in Singapore
  6. Minimised Downtime and reasonable cost of Hair Transplant from $3/4 per graft at SL Aesthetic Clinic. CALECIM is also used to boost the quality of the procedure and your recovery. Some patients are able to return to daily activities 1 to 2 days after the procedure.

Speak to us to find out more about hair, beard, and eyebrow transplant in Singapore as well as the cost and pricing.


FAQ Hair Transplant in Singapore

SL Aesthetic Clinic’s Hair Transplant in Singapore is performed using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). It is a technique for hair extraction, the grafts of which will then be manually transplanted into the recipient sites such as the head, eyebrows, and facial regions.

In Hair Transplant (FUE), each follicular unit is individually harvested from the scalp. As the extraction is done in a random fashion, the decrease in hair density in the donor area is almost unnoticeable after Hair Transplant if there is good hair density in the donor site. Because the number of follicles harvested can be controlled, doctors can extract a desired number of grafts in the donor site. This means the sites can be covered with neighbouring hairs to look as if there was no loss of hair after Hair Transplant.

Additionally, with this controlled number of extractions, the doctor will also be able to tailor the density of the recipient site for a naturally-looking lush lock of hair after Hair Transplant.

Important note: Hair Transplant Follicular Unit Extract (FUE) is a long procedure. SL Aesthetic Clinic performs Hair Transplant in Singapore with a medical professional and a dedicated hair technician.


It is important that our doctor assesses your condition and needs during a consultation. This is to understand what your expectations and concerns are and to advise what is the best way to address them. During the consultation, the doctor will determine if you’re suitable for the procedure, the number of grafts required, the method of extraction, and explain to you the risks and downtime involved.

Depending on the number of grafts needed, or in other words the number of hairs to be transplanted for an optimal hair density in the recipient site, we recommend shortening a small strip of your hair, typically at the back of the head. This can be hidden by surrounding hairs until it grows back.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant is done wholly by hand.

  1. First, a small strip of hair from the donor site is shortened with a shaver to approximately 1mm in length. We encourage patients to allow this shaving for ease in extraction. The shaven area can be hidden by other hairs around the area. We call this the “stealth shaving” technique. For larger transplantations (>1,500 grafts), a complete shave may be required
  2. The donor site is then cleansed with an antiseptic solution
  3. The scalp in the donor site is numbed with local anaesthetic
  4. A follicular extractor pen with a diameter ranging from 0.6 to 0.8mm is then used to extract the hair grafts (between one to four strands of hair), complete with vital glands
  5. The grafts are then collected and stored in a patented CALECIM solution. The individual grafts are  inspected under high-powered magnification for graft survival and quality
  6. An implantation scheme is then planned out for the recipient site. This crucial step determines the angles, direction and distribution of grafts
  7. The harvested hair grafts are then manually implanted into the recipient site by our chief hair technician. These implants follow the direction of surrounding hair for a natural-looking result.

Donor sites are areas where hair can be extracted for transplantation. Sites include:

  • Hair from the back and sides of the head. These areas are the most commonly selected
  • Body hair
  • Underarm hair

Recipient sites are areas where hair can be transplanted. Typical areas patients have had the procedure for include:

  • Crown of the head
  • Hairline
  • Eyebrows
  • Facial hair (e.g., beard, moustache)

In general, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation is a well-researched out-patient procedure and is considered a safe treatment for hair loss and sparse hair density. In addition, as you are your own donor, there is no risk of matching or allergies. But as with any medical treatment, there are some associated risks.

Some side effects may appear after your Hair Transplant. Others may arise a long time after surgery. These are rare and can be minimised by consulting with our doctor. These include, but are not limited to:

? Bleeding (haematoma)
? Infection & cystic formation
? Temporary thinning of hair (i.e. shock loss)
? Scab itch
? Temporary pain
? Poor wound healing
? Swelling
? Haemorrhage
? A possibility of revision surgery

The results of hair transplants are long lasting. Transplanted hairs are typically harvested from the back or the sides of the head.

The nature of hair from such donor sites is that they are resistant to factors that contribute to androgenic hair loss. This is the reason why you’ll notice that men hardly lose hair at the back and sides of the head. Which is why we transplant hair from these areas.

Fifteen days after a hair transplant, the transplanted hair may fall off; this is normal. Two months after the surgery, new and normal hair growth may take place, taking up to nine months to fully regrow.

Important note: Hair transplants neither create more hair nor prevent further hair loss. But the transplanted hairs will be resistant to factors that contribute to male pattern baldness. Medication should be taken to slow down and prevent further hair loss. This is especially pertinent for the pre-existing native hairs of the recipient site that are susceptible to androgenic hair loss.

It is important that you do your research in your selection of a Hair Transplant provider; grafts that are transected (or damaged) during the procedure will NOT grow back.

SL Aesthetic Clinic Hair Transplants in Singapore are out-patient procedures. Patients are able to return home after.

On average, a hair transplant can take up to 5 to 6 hours. Depending on the complexity of the surgery and number of grafts, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplants may take place in a single session, or multiple shorter sessions. This will be determined by the consulting doctor.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant uses local anaesthesia that is injected into the treatment areas. This limits your sensation felt during the procedure. Any post-procedural aches/tenderness can be managed with pain-relief medication.

Recovery after a Hair Transplant in SL Aesthetic Clinic Singapore will largely depend on the number of grafts transplanted, with some patients going back to work or daily activities as soon as the next day.

Since hairs are individually harvested from the scalp during Hair Transplant (FUE), tiny 1mm dots will form. These marks can be hidden amongst hair and usually heal within three to seven days, after scabbing-over in the days following the procedure.

Of course, this will depend on the number of grafts harvested during Hair Transplant procedure. As a rule of thumb the more the grafts, the longer the downtime.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is safe for most healthy adults, whether male or female. As with all medical procedures, you should be sure to disclose all of your medical history and current habits such as smoking and use of blood-thinners, medications, birth control pills, or supplements.

Hair Transplantation in Singapore is unsuitable in the following circumstances:

  • A person (usually someone young in their 20s) experiencing excessive hair loss and expecting to return to the look they had as a teenager
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Bleeding or blood clotting disorders (coagulopathy)
  • Active bacterial or viral infection
  • On blood thinning medication
  • Trichotillomania
  • Skin conditions such as Discoid Lupus, Lichen, Planopilaris, Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata (active phase)
  • Other systemic conditions such as diabetes, poor wound healing, tendency for keloid scar formation

Hair Transplant Singapore Pre-care: Ensure that you’re in a good state of health and not recovering from a bacterial or viral infection. Avoid the use of blood thinners and consumption of alcohol for two weeks before Hair Transplant.

Hair Transplant Singapore Post-care: After the procedure, you will be required to stay out of sunlight as much as possible. Styling products should be avoided as well. You will be required to return to the clinic the day after or two, and we will instruct you on proper hair wash during your recovery. We will also recommend the use of our recovery formula to boost your recovery process after Hair Transplant.

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