Home Business & Marketing Image in Uniform: A Key to Success

Image in Uniform: A Key to Success

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What comes to mind when you think of a uniform? Do you immediately get a mental picture of a soldier, a sailor, or a police officer? Some of us might think about a sports team’s usual colours and styles, such as the baseball uniform or the team colours of a world-class soccer player. But there are thousands of individuals working their daily jobs in many industries who wear a uniform that is just as effective for identification as those already mentioned.

This sector of the uniform industry focuses on the medical field and the corporate style that identifies a company’s brand. While this field has long been one of black trousers and a logo shirt or the single-color “scrubs” of the nurse and lab specialist, changes have been made to help a corporation or organisation project an image beyond the basic theme most are used to.

An Experienced Eye

Working with an expert in this field is quite important, and perhaps essential, if the goal is to appear in something more than work clothes. A professional touch can help employees of different heights and weights fit into a general style that you and they will be proud to display. In addition, the leading companies are true, full-service sources, working with valued clients from the beginning idea and planning, to the ending design and fitting.

With modern corporate brands, the correct image is a key element in public perception, helping solidify the customer’s idea of professionalism and first-class client service. If you are thinking of providing uniforms in Australia, whether it is a work suit, a shirt with company logo and colour, or accessories that are part of the image, you have the opportunity to work with some of the most experienced providers available.

From Brisbane to Sydney, or from Melbourne to Victoria, you are as close as a call or an email that will start the conversation with your experienced supplier. If this is your first foray into corporate image via a uniform, or if you feel the need for a change in style and appearance while maintaining the original concept, contact a uniform industry professional to start the conversation.

The leading suppliers of corporate uniforms started as family-owned manufacturers and/or suppliers of quality uniforms. Over a period of three decades, a handful has maintained this family-oriented mode of operation, while expanding their geographical range along with their design and consultation services. Through the years, the top providers have continued to focus on imaginative design, combining that creativity with sources of the finest materials, to offer the look and feel that the modern corporation needs.

Of course, branding is of primary importance in the process. When you visit with a uniform representative, be prepared to discuss such elements as screen printing, badges, lettering, embroidery, embossing, and other details that work together to achieve your corporate image.

As you talk with the experts, it is important to understand that your brand and your image is different from others, even if the product or service is similar. The professionals in uniform design know this well and will have recommendations and suggestions that can guide you to success.

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