Home Technology 3 Ways Software Technology is Changing Business Enterprise

3 Ways Software Technology is Changing Business Enterprise

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Ever since the Industrial Revolution, business has been conducted in pretty much the same way. While some of this is because of the slow pace of change in general, it is also because what was used at that time didn’t see a need to change.

I think it is pretty safe to state that right now change is the operative state of any business. Today change is the one thing you can pretty much count on when it comes to running any kind of enterprise. But some kinds of technology have affected the business world more than others.

The Cloud and Distance Workers

It is pretty safe to say that with the introduction of the cloud pretty much all bets were off in terms of how it would affect business. While only five years ago mobile phones were a new toy and social media was still trying to be relevant to business, the cloud moved work into the realm of always on and anywhere.

The importance of such resource planning tools as the Microsoft dynamics ax for larger enterprises can’t be stressed enough. With software tools such as these, far flung empires with even further flung work forces can be on top of every element of their business. As we move into a time where workers from around the world collaborate in the cloud from wherever they happen to be, the five o’clock deadline is constantly shifted.

The Digital Consumer

Another dynamic that is affecting business is the new every growing influence of the millennials on commerce. As this generation, the first to grow up with technology all around them, becomes the dominant force in the business world, expect to see a shift in how we do business as well.

This is a generation that loves to live in the moment and isn’t afraid to spend to have the best possible time. They are quickly moving into their top purchasing power and will shift the emphasis towards more use of technology in all aspects of business.

Expect to see a huge impact in how software is expanded into more and more areas of work that were once the domain of humans, as the new millennials see work as a sideline to life in general and less a definition of who they are.

The Death of Downtime

One way that the software revolution has made things tougher is the fact that we can now never seem to get away from work. You may take that well-earned vacation, but your smartphone or tablet is always just a quick grab away. We just can’t resist the urge to “simply check in” and when we do we are caught back up in the fast-paced world we thought we left behind.

As we become more and more a digital world that is running 24 hours a day seven days a week, it also becomes harder for everyone to take some time away from work and the digital draw. That flashing light before your eyes isn’t a heavenly body waiting to take you to your reward, it is your device telling you it is time to recharge. If only you could recharge as easily!

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